Fundraising,Leadership,Strategy,Talent Published Date, 2020

[WEBINAR] How 2020 Changed Fundraising And The Future Of Philanthropy

No one predicted what 2020 would mean for us as individuals, as a sector, or as a society. From the COVID-19 pandemic, to the resulting economic crisis, to the rise of the racial equity and social justice movements, and everything in between, the nonprofit sector had to rapidly adjust to the ever-changing landscape.

We’ve learned to adapt and thrive in a virtual world by bringing innovative fundraising solutions and creative methods of communications to the table. Nonprofit organizations have received some of the largest gifts they’ve ever received this year, and donors old and new are stepping up in ways we’ve never seen before. Yet, uncertainty abounds, especially as we look to 2021 and beyond.

In this dynamic virtual conversation, members of our Leadership Team recap 2020 fundraising trends and share their predictions for 2021. We also explore topics top of mind, including how to build and enhance workplace culture in a virtual environment, how to continue motivating staff and avoid burnout, and ideas for engaging and retaining donors acquired during crisis.

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