Olivia Smith

Senior Associate Director

About Olivia

Olivia collaborates with Orr Group’s nonprofit partners to develop and execute fundraising strategies and drive revenue to enhance programs and services. Her work includes preparing materials, conducting research and analysis, and helping to execute team deliverables. Prior to joining Orr Group, Olivia earned her Master’s in Public Policy with a dual specialization in nonprofit management and leadership and public financial management from the University of Maryland. Previously, she was the Programs and Communications Associate at The Giving Square in Bethesda, MD. In addition, Olivia has experience in nonprofit fundraising and development, events, communications, strategy, and programming from past internships at the Environmental Law Institute and the University of Maryland’s Division of University Relations – Development.

Selected Recent Partners:
  • Black Girls CODE
  • Niagara University
  • Prospect Park Alliance
What makes me happy…

Trying new DC restaurants, going to concerts, and watching cute cat videos.

Favorite Book Genre

Literary Fiction